Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the miserable golden globes


Congrats to Les Miserables & Our Leading Lovely Lady!
Now, let's dissect Anne's Acceptance Speech:

  • I appreciate that they played my favorite line moment of I Dreamed a Dream ["he took my childhood in his stride, but he was gone when autumn came"] as her walk-to-the-stage music. 
  • Opening with "Um, blerg...thank you for that word, Tina...oh my gosh, this is happening..." came across as a premeditated, failed attempt at humor & humility. 
  • Describing the Golden Globe Award as a "lovely blunt object that [she] will forever use against self-doubt" was awkward & strangely self-glorifying. 
  • Her Tom Hooper joke was not funny. 
  • The Sally Fields tribute moment was pretty awesome: "And thank you for putting me, my work, in this category great & gutsy actresses...Amy, Nicole, Helen, & Sally. Sally, I have to thank you so much for being a vanguard against type-casting because, as the girl who started out as the Princess of Genovia, I can't tell you how encouraging it was to know that Flying Nun grew up to be Norma Rae. And grew up to be Mama Gump, and grew up to be Mary Todd Lincoln. So thank you so much."                       Well played, Ms. Hathaway. 
  • The fact that her mom played Fantine is pretty cool. 
  • The phrase "unapologetically sincere" is a fair/lovely way to describe this film. 
  • I expected Anne to win her Golden Globe, but was not as confident that Les Miserables would win for Best Musical or Comedy Film. I was relieved at the win, but wish Anne had shown more class & resisted grabbing a microphone that did not belong to her. I get that she needed to thank her long-time agent, but she missed her opportunity & made a massive misstep in my opinion. 
  • The shout-out to her husband ["Honey, you make every day better than the last & thank you for the best string of yesterdays I have ever had. I love you."] was pretty cute. I guess.

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