The 1998 Broadway production of Ragtime is still the best show I have ever seen.
Matthew St. Patrick as Coalhouse
On Six Feet Under, he played a man like Coalhouse who has an undercurrent of rage that erupts as quickly his over-current of the best intentions. He could handle the dissent of a strong man who quickly splinters.
On True Blood, she plays a perfect sweet & hopeful dishrag who will latch onto anyone/thing to get out.
but still holds onto a strange & self-reliant strength.
Chris Melroni as Father
On SVU, he played a super-strong man, who always has good intentions that are not necessarily the correct ones. He could pull off the dynamic of acting on realizing his instincts have become antiquated, but still relying on them because they have always proven correct.
Gwyneth Paltrow as Mother
John Gallagher, Jr. as Mother's Younger Brother
He is from Delaware & is awesome at everything.
Larry David as Tateh
This has always been my least favorite role because it is always played so seriously. There are so many social absurdities & missed opportunities for humor in this part.
David Blaine as Houdini
Our contemporary cultural counter-part of a creepy & awesome social magician.
Our contemporary cultural counter-part of a creepy & awesome social magician.
Lindsay Lohan as Evelyn Nesbitt
This is a role that calls for beauty, appeal & charm,
while we watch up her exploiting her personal disasters for a few minutes of fame.
LiLo could definitely be the girl on that swing.

Suri Cruise as The Little Girl
First of all, she couldn't be prettier.
Plus, throughout the show, Tateh drags & carries The Little Girl around
in a protective heap of blankets & bags,
as she peeks out perplexed at what a new & crazy world she has entered.
From the ten million pictures I've seen of Suri, I think she has that look down.
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt as The Little Boy
She clearly wants to be a little boy, so let's just let her.
I once wrote an adaption of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory & directed it with my sister.
We cast a girl as Charlie & it ended up bringing
a whole new artistic perspective & light to a pretty bland boy part.
Plus, as the show's pseudo-narrator & the world would gladly listen
to any story she had to tell.
And Ragtime really does have a story that needs to be told.
This is a role that calls for beauty, appeal & charm,
while we watch up her exploiting her personal disasters for a few minutes of fame.
LiLo could definitely be the girl on that swing.
Suri Cruise as The Little Girl
First of all, she couldn't be prettier.
Plus, throughout the show, Tateh drags & carries The Little Girl around
in a protective heap of blankets & bags,
as she peeks out perplexed at what a new & crazy world she has entered.
From the ten million pictures I've seen of Suri, I think she has that look down.
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt as The Little Boy
She clearly wants to be a little boy, so let's just let her.
I once wrote an adaption of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory & directed it with my sister.
We cast a girl as Charlie & it ended up bringing
a whole new artistic perspective & light to a pretty bland boy part.
Plus, as the show's pseudo-narrator & the world would gladly listen
to any story she had to tell.
And Ragtime really does have a story that needs to be told.
yeah, it does feel like kathy bates already is emma g. love the casting of tateh & the guy from SVU is who I'd cast as Greg in the movie of our life.