I LOVED IT ALL. Especially the drum-line.
- Ben Affleck for Best Screenplay/Best Movie [Argo]: I am happy for him [not that I've seen Argo]. He's a good family guy & his first Academy Award acceptance speech for Good Will Hunting was legendary. Plus, I'm partial to Bostonians & it was nice to see the 1st Lady supporting the ARTS.
- Ang Lee for Best Director [Life of Pi] : Brokeback Mountain made me an eternal Ang Lee fan. His speech was engaging, candid, & I like that he said Namaste.
- Jennifer Lawrence for Best Leading Actress [Silver Linings Playbook]: Granted, she fell on her way up to the stage. But I blame J.Law's stylist for that mishap because that stunning Dior couture creation would have been difficult for anyone to maneuver, even Katniss. Even though I have not seen Silver Linings Playbook YET, I am glad she won. It would have been cool for the 9-year old to win (tomorrow is just a day away for that lil starlet), but I am glad Katniss took the crown.
- Anne Hathaway for Best Supporting Actress [Les Miserables]: I am in agreement with the majority of Americans who feel that there is something inherently unlikable about Anne Hathaway. Maybe it's her faux humility, maybe it's the fact that she alone sees herself as America's Sweetheart, maybe it's that she's arrogant enough to casually call Judy Garland & Tina Fey Judy & Tina like they are BFF....I really don't know. She just lacks that innate likability quotient that can't be faked or taught; sorry, Anne, I'd like to like you. Having said that, I also have to say that she really was an awesome Fantine & did deserve her award. But, it's also a real shame that she beat Naomi Watts because that woman deserves an Academy Award already.
...can two anxious hearts beat as one..?
It seemed a strange choice to open the Les Mis montage with a tiny song that was created for the movie, but I guess its' purpose was to honor the movie specifically rather than the Les Mis empire as a whole. I do like this little ditty [plus, it did serve to replace a section of the musical, not create an entirely new one]. I also like that Hugh Jackman is the only ValJean to have sung this little melody because he deserves his own little piece of Les Mis. The man is an amazing, exceptional talent & the film would be nothing without him. I wish he had won an Academy Award, but Daniel Day Lewis did deserve this 3rd Leading Actor Oscar [I'm going by public opinion, I didn't see Lincoln either]. Anne Hathaway's part in the montage was fine, but her voice did warble during moments that required strength (maybe she was pretending to be emotionally invested?). Amanda Seyfried looked gorgeous & I was surprised at how great she sounded. She & Eddie Redmayne seemed to have an even stronger chemistry in person than on film & his voice sounded amazing. Samantha Barks is obviously an invincible live performer, so she rocked it & I liked her modest, English evening attire. I had an opinion in the back of my mind that this live performance was partially a backlash at the critics who said the cast was comprised of actors pretending to sing. And they did achieve that until Russell Crowe came out. Besides Mr. Crowe (whose acting was sooo much better than his singing), this montage was a lovely last hoorah to the cinematic adaptation of Les Miserables. I credit this film for the Musicals in Movies theme of the Academy Awards & hope the awesome influence of musicals on movies will continue selling tickets & bringing musicals to the any & every theatre forever & always. AMEN!
The Les Mis Movie Archives:
* Les Mis DreamCast [3.31.11] * The Initial Movie Cast [10.21.11] * Movie Cast Compete [1.11.12] * Taylor Swift is NOT Eponine! [2.21.12] * THE TRAILER [8.28.12] *THE MOVIE ARRIVES [1.1.13] * The Miserable Golden Globes [1.15.13] *